
The Church stands as a beacon to spread the message of Christ, fulfilling the great commandment entrusted to us by Jesus: to share the Good News with all. This is the very heartbeat of the Apostles, the Church Fathers, and the legacy of countless martyrs who have laid down their lives for the salvation of all. Their sacrifice is a profound invitation to every soul—a call that echoes through the ages, urging us to embrace this mission with courage and conviction.

If you feel the stirring of this call within you, and are ready to take up the challenge, we invite you to reach out. Join us in this sacred journey, where together, we carry forward the light of salvation to every corner of the world.

England is truly England when it embraces the faith, love, and charity that Christ taught us. We should not fear or seek to appease other religions, but rather stand firm in our own. It is time to follow the example of the English martyrs, who showed us the path of courage, steadfast faith, and boundless charity. Let us live by their legacy and remain steadfast in the truth that defines our nation.